REVEAL is a Sound Engineer, Producer and Recording artist from South-East London, focussed in Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop music.

“In a day and age where the value of music has declined, where the music stands for merely numbers – a platform like Music Patron, where composers can have a strong support base, is the stepping stone to bringing back the essence & magic within music.”

What does being one of REVEAL’s patrons look like?

Patrons of REVEAL can expect to get to know him and his music at a deeper level: “Music is not just about hearing it but feeling it on the inside.” They will discover what it means to be a composer as well as a producer and sound engineer; what it’s like to weave your own work into collaborations with other artists.

Supporting a composer on Music Patron gives you a first-hand perspective on the many elements within the creative process and an understanding of an authentic journey of a composer. You can find out more about what it’s like to be a patron here.


Hailing from South-East London, REVEAL is a Composer that focusses in Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop music. Outside of Production, REVEAL also focusses his work as Sound Engineer and Recording Artist.

As an artist, he is known for his skilful lyricism that delves into the realm of reality, all while showcasing an exceptional penmanship, with an overall goal to improve the narrative within Hip-Hop music.

Listen TikTok Desi Mashup 2.0 — Saloni Mashup | REVEAL


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