See how they run; – Ligeti Quartet Workshop

TW: Depression

I was delighted that Ligeti Quartet chose my piece to workshop as part of their Workout! series. It was one of the first pieces I wrote (possibly even first?) that was nothing more than a little piece of me. No specific collaborative element, no comedy lyrics, not for a learning and participation context. I think the isolation of Lockdown had dulled my memory of certain social norms of what is considered standard to share and what is considered “brave”. When I saw the call-out for works from the Quartet, I knew what I wanted to write but I didn’t know what yet. It was quite a struggle – the first time without a gimmick or someone else’s voice to lift up. I think that’s why the subject matter ended up being so personal, and the piece so short. However, months and months later, and a few more depressive events later, it’s a nice feeling that I still stand by these sounds.

Listen to the immensely creative, curious and accomplished Ligeti Quartet rehearse / workshop the piece here:

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