Celebrating Sita through the raga Hemavathi is my interpretation of a young bride finding her feet in the forest of life.

When Sita has to substitute her royal life for an ascetic life in the forest , she has the green forests of Dandaka welcoming her. The story goes that the deer, rabbit and smaller creatures would come rushing to hear her sing and her adornment was the 100 varieties of jasmine that grew wild in the forest.

When I read the Sanskrit verse beautifully written by I could smell the jasmine and see the green/gold blossom which translated to Raga Hemavathi.


Synaesthesia is an all encompassing gift and I experience it everyday. More on my synaesthesia and composition can be seen on the 5th of June at the Guildhall York as part of the York Festival of Ideas, and in a series of interviews, with Music Patron.

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